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Samuel Alito - I Like

Today President Bush nominated judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor at the Supreme Court (story). This is the kind of candidate that a lot of principled conservatives have been hoping for, and he's met with almost unanimous words of praise from many conservative sources. Equally expectedly, the left has been galvanized in the opposite direction, and we may see a political battle of epic proportions. Among those who oppose judge Alito it's become almost a matter of faith to identify him with Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice under whom he had clerked.

Most people who know him regard judge Alito as a quiet, humble person with impressive intellectual capability and equally impressive record. He has served on 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia for past fifteen years. If elected, he will be the fifth Catholic on the current Supreme Court, making it the first majority Catholic court in the U.S. history. In that regard it is somewhat ironic that his nomination came on October 31st, which is not only Halloween, but also a Reformation day - a date on which Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses.

Judge Alito faces a tough battle ahead of him, and our prayers and thoughts will be with him. Godspeed, judge Alito.


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