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I've been a member of social networking site Orkut ever since its inception about two years ago. It's a site that is run by Google, and like many of its beta services membership is by invitation only (e-mail me if you want to join). The technology behind it is based on Microsoft's .NET platform, and in an opinion of many users it is not on par with other Google's services. Nevertheless, the site is a lot of fun and I've been able to meet a lot of interesting people this way from all around the world.

Discussions on Orkut can be heated sometimes, especially about hot-button topics like religion and politics. To me these topics are the most interesting ones and it can be extremely rewarding to have discussions about them with smart, sensible people who don't necessarily share your point of view. One of these people is Sameer Choudhary. He is Hindu and he is getting his MS from Purdue University. Since Purdue is not too far from me, I decided to go and meet with him yesterday. It was very interesting in its own right to be meeting someone for the first time whom you only interacted with through online discussions. We had really good conversation, and I was enriched by learning more first hand about his beliefs and religious practices. I was also able to clarify a few things about my own religion to him, and we were able to grow in mutual respect and understanding.


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Nice to know that Orkut is keepin ur social life active...and I hope you are meeting a lot more interestin ppl (unlike me,lol!) Well as u have mentioned, Orkut is something that Google sincerely wishes to work upon but I guess its doing great the way it is...If u need any info abt Hinduism, do let me knw, I will be only happy to help!! If u like country music, u could visit my other blog that is called www.manofpizza.blogspot.com

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