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Ingoogled again

My homepage, www.tunguz.com, seems to be back at the top of Google search results for both Tunguz and Bojan Tunguz. I've modified a few links throughout my website in order to make it more navigable and interconnected, so that might have contributed to the recent improvement of rankings. However, I have not noticed any new crawling of my website on the part of Google, so it is more likely that they've fiddled with their algorithm again. This is even more plausible when I take into the account some other searches that I've done lately which were also bringing weird results.


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BoBo, no one cares about your trials with Google. Besides, try not to take it so personally. Google is not out to outgoogle or ingoogle or whatever-else-you-might-call-it-google you. Google is just being, well, Googlish.

Why don't you post something more interesting? Something more gossipy? Like your disdain toward feminism? Or your rants against those who rant against standardized tests. Playing it safe sometimes means playing it boring!

Oh Sharmin, you are absolutely right - I wanted to post a few controversail blog entries, but I was just too tired and busy yesterday. It has all to do with playing it easy, not safe. I do have a few more controversial on a backlog, though ;)

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