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A couple of years ago Sharmin and I were visiting our friend Wayne in Chicago. Wayne is an avid photographer, and like all true lovers of that art he looks down on digital cameras. However, my little digital camera has come in handy over the years, as anyone browsing these pages will notice. I am not too concerned with the artistic value of my photographs, I just go for convenience and quantity.

During our visit to Chicago I took a lot of pictures of the place. Among them was a collection of pictures of the sculpture called "Bubble". I took these in sequence at the approximately same eye-level with some amount of overlap between them. My intention was to combine them later on in Photoshop and create a single panoramic picture. As it's often the case, I got busy later on and I never got around it. Until now. I discovered that Photoshop CS2 has an automated way of combining pictures. All I had to do was open the individual files in the right order, press a few buttons, and voila, it was all done for me. You can click on the icon in the upper left corner to see the final product. It's not the best, but still pretty impressive for a small digital camera and no use of tripod.


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