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Papa Ratzi

Pope Benedict is at it again. He seems to have a knack to press people's buttons of all sorts when re-iterating the millennia-old positions of the Catholic Church. In 2000 as Prefect of The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he issued a declaration Dominus Iesus, where among other things (many other things) he stated that (gasp!) Jesus is the only savior of mankind. In 2003 he created a lot of uproar with the Regensburg lecture a 14th century Byzantine emperor who had some interesting things to say about Islam. The quoted excerpt was just a small fraction of the whole speach, but that did not prevent the now all to expected outrage to ensue, including death threats issued to Pope Benedict XVI, Muslims burning the Pope in effigy, promises to conquer Rome and slit the throats of Christians, at least seven churches in the region of Palestine torched, a nun murdered in front of a children's hospital in Somalia, claims of Benedict participating in a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy against Islam.

Maybe it's high time for someone to tell this guy that he needs to clear his statements with general public beforehand. Who does he think he is, the Pope?


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