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Amazing weather

We've been blessed with the amazing weather for the past couple of weeks: clear skies, temperature in 60s, no wind, no humidity, just perfect. Quite out of place for November, but no one is complaining. If all of Winter could be like this, one could get used to it. It would be a perfect weather to do some yard work, except that nothing really grows at this time of year, so it's of no use. No, weeds must grow in the middle of the oppressively humid summer months.

Christmas decorations are up. One thing that Sharmin's neighbors like to do is put little lights in plastic gallon milk jugs and put those around their yards. It looks really neat at night when the lights are on, but during the day it seems like someone had strewn garbage on their yard. For all it's worth, this way we can find out what kind of milk the neighbours are drinking. This may not seem like an important datum, but I think that the choice of milk says a lot about person. Full milk: old-fashioned, don't-care-much-about-all-that-health-thing types. 2%: I care about health, but I need taste too. 1%: you start to feel good about yourself. 0.5 %: you feel really good about yourself. Fat free: you think you're going to live to be 100.


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