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We celebrated Thanksgiving this Thursday, a day when we acknowledge everything we have been thankful for this past year. But that's not what most people have in mind when this holiday is mentioned. What comes to everyone's mind is a complete food debauchery, especially the one that involves making a whole turkey. Sharmin and I tried making the turkey last year, with less than spectacular results. It is very difficult to properly gauge the baking process, and it is easy to either overcook or undercook that poor bird. Besides, I don't find turkey meat the most appetizing anyways, unless it's the deli-style cold cuts. So, primarily for those reasons, we had ham for dinner. Sharmin and I love ham, and it's relatively easy to make. We also had our friend Brian over, and that livened up our moods even more. Brian is a very grateful guest to have, and he had no problems with our somewhat unorthodox menu. Being grateful, after all, is what Thanksgiving is all about.


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