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California Trip

A few weeks back Sharmin and I went for a visit to California. It's sort of our fall-back option for vacation, since I am really familiar with the place, it's nice and (usually) sunny over there, and it's really cheap to fly there. Add to that the fact that a lot of my friends live there, and it's almost a no brainer to decide to go there. This time around my friend Marin Šarić was our host. He and I can talk about almost anything for hours at the time, and it was really hard leaving the house in the morning because of all the BS the two of us were talking about.

This time around I was really starving to go hiking, and I made it a point to do as much of it as possible. I went on three hiking trips all together, and it was a lot of fun. Unsurprisingly, most of the pictures I took are of the woods. And trails. I think they are awesome, but I know some people might disagree.


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