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(Just say no to) Star Trek

I am a big fan of (almost) anything Sci-Fi, but I could never bring myself to enjoy Star Trek. The whole show seemed to me more like a soap opera in space. Now, there have been some soap operas that in my vulnerable young years I actually enjoyed (won't name them lest I risk ridicule), but at least they were proper soap operas, not wannabe sci-fi shows. Now, most of the Physics geeks are invariably enamored with the show, so I have to politely excuse myself whenever the topic pops up. Nonetheless, I never bothered "deconstructing" my dislike for Star Trek - it did not seem worth my time. Then in this May's issue of First Things an anarticle titled Lost and Saved on Television appeared with the following priceless sentance:

As late as the early 1990s, the only sci-fi show of any merit on television was Star Trek: The Next Generation, a U.N. bureaucrat’s fantasy of the twenty-fourth century, in which a crew of asexual socialists in leotards kept the galaxy safe for cultural relativism and conflict resolution.

That pretty much hits the bull's eye.


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