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Blogging from Word 2007

I have not been posting much on my blog lately, and with a good reason (I think). It's been a very busy summer for me. I've been getting ready to teach at my new job as a professor of Physics at DePauw University, and I've also been helping Sharmin with her research. On top of that, I've been dealing with a lot of administrative issues that accompany transition from a student to a real job.

One of the best things that I did get out of all this work this summer is that I've been playing with a lot of computer-related technologies (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, PHP, new Word, Mac OSX, virtual machines, etc., etc.) and hopefully I've gotten that much more proficient in that realm. I have also had access to the latest Microsoft Office tools, and it's been fun exploring how to hack those little darlings in a new and creative ways. Today I stumbled across this option of writing my blog entries from Word, and decided to give it a shot. Hopefully, if it all goes smoothly, this will help me with impulse-blogging.


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