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The end of the world has been postponed

Recently I have written about the start of operations on the Large Hadron Collider (AKA The Big Bang Machine, AKA The Black Hole Machine.) It turns out that during the test run some of the components got fried, and the machine was rendered nonoperational. In order to fix it, it is necessary to warm it up from the temperatures close to the absolute zero to the room temperature. When I was an undergraduate I worked in ultra-low-temperature lab. The grad students who were running the experiments would not be too thrilled when they would discover a problem while the experiment is cooled down, because warming everything up and checking and double checking for all the problems required many months of work, and meant that the Ph.D. thesis would be delayed (yet again). So it doesn't come as any surprise to know that this latest problem with LHC will postpone the inevitable until at least the early Spring. Which is not all that great if you are a high energy physicist looking for some data to back up (or not) your favorite pet theory about how the world works. But if you believe that LHC will create a black hole that will eventually swallow up the Earth, then this gives you extra time to say the final good-byes to your loved ones.


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