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Satan at the UN

When you subscribe to many journals and magazines these days (at least in the US) you have to take it for granted that most of them will share your name and address with groups and institutions that are interested in getting your business based on your reading interests. This, at least, is why I believe I get a fair share of solicitations for donation from various Catholic organizations – they probably got my name from my subscription to the First Things. I usually ignore most of them, not because I am uncharitable (I support many Catholic causes through my local church), but because I don't have the time or interest to go through all the pleading literature that they provided in order to make the case for their own specific cause. Some of these causes may indeed be very close to my mind, but for now I don't have the time to figure out which ones are which.

Last week, however, I got one of those soliciting letters that immediately grabbed my attention. It was sent from Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and was asking right at the envelope to "help our Catholic youth crusade fight the influence of Satan at the UN." Well, a tagline like that really grabbed my attention. A few years ago when I had visited New York I went over to the UN and took some pictures. I posted those pictures online on my Facebook profile, and had named the album "Devil's Lair." I am glad to see that the good folks at Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute understand who they are dealing with. I would be more than happy to help such a worthy cause.


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