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My Doodlings

I always liked to doodle, and one of the motifs that I had been using for years is that of a closely-packed curvy line that extends indefinitely, never intersecting itself, and eventually closing in on itself in such a way that it would make one single unbroken thread. I've usually doen this randomly, but recently I tried to make a bit of an art with it. I've experimented with using that motif as a space-filling curve, the one that would completely cover certain area or an image. After a few small experiments with simple small shapes, I've decided it was time for me to try something more complex. I decided to make an outline of Ireland, as I was looking for an interesting and yet recognizable shape. It took me many hours of doodling to accomplish this, but in the end I am very happy with the outcome. You can see a higher resolution result by clicking on the image on your left.


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