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Close encounters of the Mormon kind

I had my first experience with Mormon missionaries today! I was working at Sharmin's house, when a two of them showed up at her door. Young kids, probably college age. Polite and well drilled with their marketing pitch. I kept them at the door, politely yet succinctly answering their questions. Their final trick, asking me for a glass of water so I would maybe let them in, didn't work either. I brought the water to them.

Oftentimes I had imagined conversing with Mormon proselytizers, engaging them in serious theological and religious debate, pulling all the stops and bringing forth some heavy artillery. The sight of these two kids, just doing their job, softened me up though. I had no heart to pull something like that with them.

A couple of years ago I had a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses come to my apartment door in Urbana. With these two Mormon missionaries, I feel like my proselytizing experience in America is now complete.


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I'm glad you were nice to them. My little brother is a missionary in Seattle, WA. They are very nice kids, usually in between the ages of 19 and 21. And talking to people isn't the only thing they do... they are also engaged in many hours of community service. It's a great experience for them to be out there helping others and bringing a message to those who would like to learn more about the religion as well. I will admit that asking for some water was a bit cheesy... I hope my little brother deosn't try to pull that trick on people!

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