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Brazil - Croatia 1:0

So the game finally arrived. Croatia played really well, but in the end Brazil was too much for us. I watched the game at the Student Union at UIUC, which in the end was a bit of a letdown. Despite all the students who watched the game there, many of whom were Brazilians, the atmosphere was decidedly subdued. Not something you would expect from soccer fans watching a World Cup game. I wanted to get rowdy and wild, but it was not meant to be. Now I just hope that Croatia plays well in the next two games and ensures the next round of competition.

The Brazilians on Orkut were predictably during and after the game. A lot of unknown individuals took it upon themselves to write in my scrapbook and make sure that Croatia is ... well, I won't mention it here, but you get the idea. Hopefully once Brazil gets into the next round of the competition, they'll leave me and Croatia alone.

All the Brazilians that I do know were very gracious and friendly. They make great friends and it's always good to hang out with them.


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