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Freezing Rain

We had some freezing rain falling today in Illinois, and conditions were less than ideal for driving. Thanks to the recent spate of unusually warm weather, the ground was still fairly warm and consequently roads were not slippery. That was all supposed to change tonight, so I needed to make my exit from Urbana quickly if I was going to travel this weekend. Plus, there is a good chance of rain turning into snow tomorrow morning, which would additionally exacerbate the driving conditions.

Ever sine I fixed my wiper problem I've felt much more confident driving in rain. The wiper problem was that my wiper rubber blades would gradually slide out of their metal grooves, so I would need to pull over every so many miles and painstakingly slide them back in. Eventually, I had enough of this, and a cheapskate that I am, I went for a quick and dirty solution: I super-glued the rubber blades to their metal groves. So far, this has worked like a charm.


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