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Crazy neighbor, part 2

It seems that my nightmare has come to an end. I had to endure weeks of my neighbor's erratic behaviour, yelling and screaming out of nowhere at all sorts of odd hours, banging on my wall, and making my stay at my own apartment really unbearable. I had to sleep with earplugs in my ears. I had to face the opposite direction from the wall. Even those measures would not yield any results and I would get woken up in the middle of the night. I called the police on him four times. The last time I had a nice chat with the officer, and he told me that the guy really was crazy and thought that he was a captain on a ship. Great! Not that I was surprised. The police could really do little about the whole situation. They could issue him a ticket, but much good would that do. So I had to put a lot of pressure on my landlord to do something about it.

Which he finally did. The landlord filed the paperwork with this guy's case worker to have him moved to a different apartment, away from other tenants. Meanwhile the landlord had a nasty encounter with this guy, after which the landlord called the police and had the guy taken to a nursing home. He will stay there for at least two months, and afterwards he'll be put in another unit. The quieter days (and nights) are , hopefully, ahead.


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