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Croatian Radio

Many years ago when the web was just starting to become the global phenomenon that it is, some of my friends expressed a concern that it may lead to even greater 'hegemony' of English. Even back then I had my doubts about that. True, English is the dominant language on the web, but English was already the world's most dominant language even before the web rolled around. However, I think that the ease with which content can be published online has actually helped many small and otherwise inaccessible languages.

The web has certainly helped me to keep in touch with the events in Croatia. I started following Croatia-related newsgroups in the early nineties, and then a multiplicity of website that sprang up. Every once in a while I would listen to Croatian web radio, but that was too choppy and inconvenient for a consistent use. Recently I started downloading on demand programs from Croatian Radio, and listening to them while driving. On a longer drives I can almost feel like I am back in Croatia.


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