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My birthday

Last week was my birthday. For those who want to know, I turned 33. It also happened that it was the last day when I could get a new drivers license. It seems that procrastination doesn't get any better with age. The whole license getting process was very smooth and efficient, uncharacteristically so for a government bureaucracy. I am used to long lines, testy clerks, exorbitant fees, and missteps along the way. It will never stop to amaze me how cheap even a new drivers' license is in the US - around $20. In Croatia it is around $1200, and from what I understand it is not much cheaper in most other countries in the "free world". How and why are people around the world willing to tolerate such high government overhead on their essential needs, beats me.

I had an opportunity to use my drivers license the same day I got it. I got "carded" at Kroeger that day, and the funny thing was I was not even the person buying the drinks! (Sharmin was, I was just tagging along as I usually do.) It made me feel good about getting older.


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