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I talked to my uncle and a cousin yesterday on the phone. They live in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovia. Mostar is a nice town, and I go there for a visit every time I go home, which is not all that often these days. There is one problem with Mostar though: it gets really hot over there in the Summer. In the old days the daytime temperature would easily reach 40C, and Mostar regularly made the evening news. My brother and I, crazy about basketball that we were in those days, would still go out and play a game or two despite the scorching heat. Well, yesterday I found out that the temperature there has been well over 45C these days, and the authorities are seriously considering declaring an elementary catastrophe. Most of the people over there don't have an AC, and I can only imagine what must they be going through. I wouldn't be entirely sure, but I would bet that not even my brother and I would have played basketball in this kind of weather.


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